Koi Alien Photo 20 appears on several UFO websites, including one (thebiggestsecretpict.online.fr) which gives this photo a file indicating it supposedly relates to a Greada meeting in 1954 and a caption which states : "Fake Greada meeting. A photo montage. Notice how nobody seems to notice the ET and how the lighting on the latter is different than that on the others".
While the image appears on some other UFO websites without any explanation as to its source, this image was created by altering a photograph taken in London in 1944 showing the Allied invasion planners. The original version of the photograph appears on various websites and is shown below (labelled "koi_ap_20_c").
Sections below:
2. Stories and claims relating to this image
3. The real background to this image
4. Relevant online forum discussions
5. Further references and resources
1. The relevant image
2. Stories and claims relating to this image
3. The real background to this image
Koi Alien Photo 20 is in fact a manipulated image. The original photograph can, with a little bit of effort, be found on various websites.
The original photograph was taken on 1 January 1944 at Southwick House, London, England. It shows the Allied invasion planners, i.e. (from left to right): General Bradley, Admiral Ramsay, Air Chief Marshal Tedder, General Eisenhower, General Montgomery, Air Chief Marshal Leigh Mallory, and General Smith".
Thus, Admiral Ramsay has been replaced with an "alien" in Koi Alien Photo 20.
The original image (shown below, labelled "koi_ap_20_c") can be found on various websites, including:
(a) The Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum website (where the original version of this photo has the reference number "66-309-1").
(b) Part of the US Army's history website.
As of 28 December 2010, the Wikipedia page on the "Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force" (commonly abbreviated to "SHAEF") includes another photograph of the same individuals taken at a meeting in London (possibly at the same meeting). That photo is shown below (labelled "koi_ap_20_e") and the relevant caption on Wikipedia state "SHAEF commanders at a conference in London. Seated left to right: Air Chief Marshal Tedder,
4. Relevant online forum discussions
Koi Alien Photo 20 was discussed on the AboveTopSecret.com forum at:
5. Further references and resources
6. Other Material