

Koi Alien Photo 53

Keywords : Tiny alien, Concepcion, Chile 2002.

Koi Alien Photo 53appears on various websites with captions along the lines of "Alien, Chile, 2002".

While it has been suggested to me that Koi Alien Photo 53 shows the dessicated remains of a human fetus, it seems more likely that this particular photograph shows the remains of a small mammal known as a "monito de monte" (mountain monkey).







Sections below:

1. The relevant image

2. Stories and claims relating to this image

3. The real background to this image

4. Relevant online forum discussions

5. Further references and resources

6. Other material



1. The relevant image




2. Stories and claims relating to this image

Many UFO websites publish photographs of "aliens" with little, if any, accompanying text.


3. The real background to this image

In the course of researching another photograph of an "alien" (Koi Alien Photo 10), I contacted "Dapper Cadaver" (a "specialty store for the finest death related props, Halloween props, haunted house decor, and oddities"). In passing, its owner generously commented upon this photo and several others on this website (email dated 4 January 2011 to Isaac Koi from BJ Winslow). Mr Winslow observed in relation to Koi Alien Photo 54 that he recognized the bone structure as "clearly a human fetuses dessicated remains. It's not uncommon to find these things when people are keeping abortions secret". He went on to say that "The dessicated fetus [in Koi Alien Photo 54] on your site is probably about 5 months old. Note the suture down the front of the forehead, absent in adults, but present in fetuses, and the toothless, sunken in jaw".  He went on to state the photo on this page (i.e. Koi Alien Photo 53) is also a photo of another dessicated fetus, as is Koi Alien Photo 40.

In his informative comments, Mr Winslow drew to my attention a tableau of dessicated human fetuses. The photograph below (labelled "koi_ap_54_j") was taken by Joanna Ebenstein for her website, the Secret Museum, which shows her "exhibition of photographs exploring the poetics of hidden, untouched and curious collections from around the world." It shows a fetal skeleton tableau (from Paris, circa 17th century).

Notice the similarities to the "alien" in "Koi Alien Photo 53"?



4. Relevant online forum discussions

Discussed on the popular forums online at:


5. Further references and resources

There is a rapid turnover of UFO material on the Internet. Many links to material on UFO websites quickly become out of date. Therefore, instead of giving many links to specific webpages I have instead included below a search box which can be used to search various leading UFO websites at the same time. You can then click on tabs at the top of the search results to list only results from forums, only results from websites I have labelled as "skeptical" etc. I have included tabs for a couple of specific websites that I find particularly useful, including the valuable archives of the UFO UpDates email discussion List. The relevant websites are all listed in the discussion of the "UFO Searchillion" search engine in Section 2.4 of the "Free UFO Researcher Starter Pack" and continues to evolve...


The relevant search box is one of the two main tools on this website which are intended to help reduce the amount of reinvention of the wheel within UFOlogy. The other main tool is the collection of tables of references to discussion of UFO incidents, personalities and other matters in various books. Those tables can be sorted by author, length and date. I hope these tools are useful.




6. Other Material

Please use the comments section below to share references to any particularly interesting relevant articles.