
Image needed
On 21 June 1960, NICAP submits a “confidential report to Congress” entitled “Dangers of Secrecy on UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) and Digest of Documented Evidence”.




Sections below

1. Web Resources

2. Book References

3. Other material


Web Resources

There is a rapid turnover of UFO material on the Internet. Many links to material on UFO websites quickly become out of date. Therefore, instead of giving many links to specific webpages I have instead included below a search box which can be used to search various leading UFO websites at the same time. You can then click on tabs at the top of the search results to list only results from forums, only results from websites I have labelled as "skeptical" etc. I have included tabs for a couple of specific websites that I find particularly useful, including the valuable archives of the UFO UpDates email discussion List. The relevant websites are all listed in the discussion of the "UFO Searchillion" search engine in Section 2.4 of the "Free UFO Researcher Starter Pack" and continues to evolve...


The relevant search box is one of the two main tools on this website which are intended to help reduce the amount of reinvention of the wheel within UFOlogy. The other main tool is the collection of tables of references to discussion of UFO incidents, personalities and other matters in various books. Those tables can be sorted by author, length and date. I hope these tools are useful.




Book References

Discussed by Maney, Charles And Hall, Richard in their “Challenge of Unidentified Flying Objects” (1961) (with quotes of substantially the entire text of the report ) at pages 1-2 (Part 1, Chapter 1), 12-20 (Part 1, Chapter 2), 178-179 (Appendix, image of Congressional Record, remarks by Honourable Leonard G Wolf in the House of Represenatives on Wednesday 1960.0831) of the privately published hardback edition.


Other Material

Please use the comments section below to share references to any particularly interesting relevant articles.