
  • 1958.0200 Air Force Regulation 200-2 revised


    Air Force Regulation 200-2 revised
    During February 1958, US Air Force Regulation 200-2 (“AFR 200-2) was revised, inter alia, to eliminate portions which might provoke suspicion or misinterpretation by the public.




  • 1958.0222 Villas Boas report

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    On 22 February 1958, Olavo Fontes privately circulated a report on the alleged abduction of Villas Boas.



  • 1958.0409 Panel report release


    Panel report release
    On 9 April 1958, a summary of the Robertson Panel report was released to Donald Keyhoe.




  • 1959.0914 Air Force Regulation 200-2 revised


    Air Force Regulation 200-2 revised
    On 14 September 1959, Air Force Regulation (“AFR”) 200-2 was revised.




  • 1959.1224 "Serious Business" memo


    "Serious Business" memo
    On 24 December 1959, the “UFOs – Serious Business” memo sent out by the US Air Force Inspector General.




  • 1960.0202 Air Force Regulation 200-2 amended


    Air Force Regulation 200-2 amended
    On 2 February 1960, Air Force Regulation 200-2 (“AFR 200-2”) was further amended.




  • 1960.0621 NICAP report to Congress

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    On 21 June 1960, NICAP submits a “confidential report to Congress” entitled “Dangers of Secrecy on UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) and Digest of Documented Evidence”.




  • 1960.1214 Brookings Institute report


    Brookings Institute report
    On 14 December 1960, the Brookings Research Institute in Washington releases a report prepared during 1960 for NASA entitled “Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs”, including a section entitled “Implications of a Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life”. (Commonly referred to as “the Brookings Institute report”.)




  • 1962.0720 Air Force Regulation 202-2


    Air Force Regulation 202-2
    On 20 July 1962, Air Force Regulation 202-2 (“AFR 202-2”) was issued.




  • 1965.0928 Bluebook review memo


    Bluebook review memo
    On 28 September 1965, a memo from Major General B LeBailly (US Air Force Director of Information) to the Military Director, Scientific Advisory Board, requested that a “working scientific panel composed of both physical and social scientists be organized to review Project Blue Book -- its resources, methods, and findings -- and to advise the Air Force as to any improvements that should be made in the program in order to carry out the Air Force's assigned responsibility”.




  • 1966.0300 O’Brien Committee report


    O’Brien Committee report

    During March 1966, a short report was produced by the “Ad Hoc Committee to Review Project Blue Book”, under the chairmanship of Dr. Brian O'Brien.

    For relevant references, see the entry for the meeting of the O’Brien Committee(3 February 1966).


  • 1966.0328 Gerald Ford letter


    Gerald Ford letter
    On 28 March 1966, Congressman Gerald Fordwrote to the Armed Services committee criticising the Air Force investigations and proposing that a Congressional committee schedule hearings on the subject of UFOs.




  • 1966.0801 Hynek letter to Science


    Hynek letter to Science

    On 1 August 1966, Dr J Allen Hynek wrote an open letter to the editor of Science magazine about misconceptions in relation to UFOs.




  • 1966.0809 Robert Low’s “trick" memo


    Robert Low’s “trick" memo

    On 9 August 1966, University of Colorado Assistant Dean Robert Low wrote to E James Archer, dean of the graduate school and Thurston E Manning, vice president and dean of faculties, on the proposed UFO Study for the US Air Force.




  • 1966.0919 Air Force Regulation 80-17


    Air Force Regulation 80-17
    On 19 September 1966, Air Force Regulation 80-17 (“AFR 80-17”) entitled “Unidentified Flying Objects” supersedes Air Force Regulation 200-2.




  • 1966.1108 Air Force Regulation 80-17A


    Air Force Regulation 80-17A
    On 11 November 1966, Air Force Regulation (“AFR”) 80-17 dated 19 September 1966 was amended (by Air Force Regulation 80-17A) to accommodate the Condon study at the University of Colorado.




  • 1967.1026 Air Force Regulation 80-17 (C1)


    Air Force Regulation 80-17 (C1)
    On 26 October 1967, US Air Force Regulation Number 80-17 (C1) issued. Updated US Air Force Regulation Number 80-17A.




  • 1968.0930 Air Force Regulation 80-17 (C2)


    Air Force Regulation 80-17 (C2)

    On 30 September 1968, US Air Force Regulation Number 80-17 (C2) was issued. It updated US Air Force Regulation Number 80-17 (C1).




  • 1968.1031 Condon report submitted

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    On 31 October 1968, the Colorado University report on UFOs was submitted by J R Smiley (the President of the University of Colorado) to Harold Brown (Secretary of the Air Force).




  • 1969.0109 Condon report released


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     The Condon Report was released to the public on 9 January 1969.