Koi Alien Photo 32appears to show an alien baby in a blanket, with huge head.
Koi Alien Photo 32 appeared on the Art Bell website by
Another UFO website has Koi Alien Photo 32 with the charming caption : "Alien baby or mutation thing".
Most of the other numerous websites which display Koi Alien Photo 32 have short captions, if any. However, one UFO website has this caption: “Alien babies aren't always pretty but then again human babies are a bit wrinkled and messy too. This alien baby picture is from the 1950's. Heavens only knows what was thought of the person that took this alien picture way back then but we are glad they were brave enough to pick up their camera and take a picture of the alien baby. We are even more glad that they were brave enough to make sure the picture made it into the public. We don't know what happened to this baby but we do hope it wasn't harmed in anyway but sadly, it probably wasn't treated very nicely.”
Sections below:
2. Stories and claims relating to this image
3. The real background to this image
4. Relevant online forum discussions
5. Further references and resources
1. The relevant image
2. Stories and claims relating to this image
Koi Alien Photo 32appears to show an alien baby in a blanket, with huge head.
Koi Alien Photo 32 appeared on the Art Bell website by
Another UFO website has Koi Alien Photo 32 with the charming caption : "Alien baby or mutation thing".
Most of the other numerous websites which display Koi Alien Photo 32 have short captions, if any. However, one UFO website has this caption: “Alien babies aren't always pretty but then again human babies are a bit wrinkled and messy too. This alien baby picture is from the 1950's. Heavens only knows what was thought of the person that took this alien picture way back then but we are glad they were brave enough to pick up their camera and take a picture of the alien baby. We are even more glad that they were brave enough to make sure the picture made it into the public. We don't know what happened to this baby but we do hope it wasn't harmed in anyway but sadly, it probably wasn't treated very nicely.”
In a discussion of Koi Alien Photo 32 (the relevant copy of which had the caption "real baby") on the AboveTopSecret.com online forums, several members referred to the possibility of genetic disorders and mentioned Harlequin fetal condtion. One of the members ("Byrd") wrote: "Real Baby" is actually S/FX from a horror movie and not Harlequin fetus" (I know I've seen the movie. Want to say "Rosemary's Baby II" but I don't think that's right. One of the movie buffs here can tell us)
3. The real background to this image
4. Relevant online forum discussions
Koi Alien Photo 32 was discussed on the AboveTopSecret.com online forums at:
5. Further references and resources
6. Other Material