Koi Alien Photo 50 appears on various websites.
One UFO website (alien-ufo-pictures.com) states the following in relation to Koi Alien Photo 50: “The best thing about this alien picture is that it shows that somebody somewhere was trying to keep this alien alive. That gives us hope that not everyone that comes in contact with a real alien is looking to exploit them for negative reasons. This picture of a dying alien shows the alien in a seriously frail state but fighting to stay alive. We only wish we knew if the alien in this alien picture won its fight for life.”
Another website (alien-ufo-research.com) states: "Here we have a photo of an alien being barely kept alive. It's on a respirator and they have all kinds of differnt types of sensors on the E.T. to keep an eye on it."
The "Arealiensreal.org" website gives the following caption : "Anybody who will deny that to be an alien is probably out of their minds. Look at how disproportionate the eyes are with the head. I wonder who was keeping alien alive. Does he want to save the alien? or keep him alive for further experimentation?".
Several people, including UFO researcher Kentaro Mori and myself, have recognised some similarities between this image and a prop used in an episode of the X-Files television series. However, there are some differences between Koi Alien Photo 50 and the way that the relevant prop appears in the episode. Kentaro Mori has stated that the Koi Alien Photo 50 was an image of the relevant prop used to promote that episode of the X-Files.
Sections below:
2. Stories and claims relating to this image
3. The real background to this image
4. Relevant online forum discussions
5. Further references and resources
1. The relevant image
2. Stories and claims relating to this image
One UFO website (alien-ufo-pictures.com) states the following in relation to Koi Alien Photo 50: “The best thing about this alien picture is that it shows that somebody somewhere was trying to keep this alien alive. That gives us hope that not everyone that comes in contact with a real alien is looking to exploit them for negative reasons. This picture of a dying alien shows the alien in a seriously frail state but fighting to stay alive. We only wish we knew if the alien in this alien picture won its fight for life.”
Another website (alien-ufo-research.com) states: "Here we have a photo of an alien being barely kept alive. It's on a respirator and they have all kinds of differnt types of sensors on the E.T. to keep an eye on it."
3. The real background to this image
Kentaro Mori posted comments on Koi Alien Photo 50 in a post entitled "The Intensive-Care Unit Alien" on his blog in 2009. Kentaro quoted the comment from Alien-ufo-pictures.com that "We only wish we knew if the alien in this alien picture won its fight for life" and then stated the following:
"Bad news: the alien didn’t survive, in fact it was brutally shot at gunpoint, with its green blood splattering everywhere. How do we know? Because this alien comes from episode 7, season 4 of X-Files: Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man.
There are some small differences between the original image and the ones that can be seen in the episode – the eyes and skin color seem to have a different tone, which is probably due to lighting; one of the electrodes is in a different position. The nose, the breathing apparatus and mostly all the other details are exactly the same, however.
The differences are probably due to the fact the circulated image was a promotional shot, centering in the alien, with a slightly different setup. And we are not speculating.
The image was originally published on the web in a now defunct website listing all X-Files episodes, along with images for each episode. This was the image for this particular episode, which is quite important in the X-Files story as it would be the reason for “Deepthroat” to help Fox Mulder and Dana Scully."
(The suggestion that Koi Alien Photo 50 had in fact previously been put forward by at least one other individual. The suggestion had been made by a member of the AboveTopSecret.com discussion forum ("Rotoplooker") in a post on that forum in 2008).
Below are some images from the relevant episode of the X-Files (labelled "koi_ap_50_c" to "koi_ap_50_f").
As at December 2010, a technical error is reported when attempting to access the Internet Archive's copy of "a now defunct website listing all X-Files episodes" referred to by Kentaro Mori. A slightly later copy of that webpage is incomplete and does not include the relevant photo.
A webpage on the popular Living Moon website, which quotes extensively from Kentaro Mori's blog post about Koi Alien Photo 50, concludes by commenting that: "Editor's NOTE: So far there is no additional info on the first image being an X-File promo picture other than that defunct website. Medical equipment would look the same. There are too many differences in the two photos to draw a full conclusion at this time."
4. Relevant online forum discussions
This photo was discussed in part of several threads on the AboveTopSecret.com discussion forums, including during 2008 and again in 2009.
5. Further references and resources
6. Other Material