Koi Alien Photo 66 is almost certainly the most disgusting hoax I have come across in the history of ufology. The only other real contender this this title is Koi Alien Photo 08 since that hoax involved killing a monkey by hitting it over the head with a bottle.
While Koi Alien Photo 66 appears to show a rotting alien corpse, in fact it is a manipulated photograph of a real decomposing human (with the "alien" head superimposed on to the photograph of the deceased person).
The photo appears on various UFO websites, including one where it is accompanied by the follolwing text:
“This dead alien was clearly dead for a while before somebody took the alien picture. That gives us hope that the alien's body was discovered rather than it being killed by the person who took the picture of the alien. Perhaps there was a space craft crash or it simply died as any creature eventually does. Either way we find the alien picture interesting and am glad it was taken.”
If there is any alien life in the universe, I hope it does not see human beings doing things like this hoax for a joke.
Sections below:
2. Stories and claims relating to this image
3. The real background to this image
4. Relevant online forum discussions
5. Further references and resources
1. The relevant image
2. Stories and claims relating to this image
The photo appears on various UFO websites, including one where it is accompanied by the follolwing text:
“This dead alien was clearly dead for a while before somebody took the alien picture. That gives us hope that the alien's body was discovered rather than it being killed by the person who took the picture of the alien. Perhaps there was a space craft crash or it simply died as any creature eventually does. Either way we find the alien picture interesting and am glad it was taken.”
3. The real background to this image
Koi Alien Photo 66 is almost certainly the most disgusting hoax I have come across in the history of ufology.
While Koi Alien Photo 66 appears to show a rotting alien corpse, in fact it is a manipulated photograph of a real decomposing human (with the "alien" head superimposed on to the photograph of the deceased).
The original photograph, showing the dead human corpse, can be found online. I am not going to post a link to the relevant website or a photo of the relevant dead person. Since there are some people that will want proof, after some hesitation I'll mention that the name of the relevant website is rotten.com and that the image is within a series of photographs of a corpse entitled "Blonde". I do not encourage you to visit that website. In fact, I would STRONGLY recommend that you do not visit it.
Before you even think about visiting that website, read the following comments from a reviewer of rotten.com at least twice:
"Rotten.com collects images and information from many sources to present viewers with a truly unpleasant experience, nd they've been successfully doing so since 1996.
Apart from The Daily Rotten where you can get new filth daily, there's extensive archives of gruesome photos and illustrations. They specialize in Celebrity Morgue autopsy pics like the one for JFK (above), gunshot wounds, decapitations and dismemberments, shit, giant testicles, animal wrongness and any other sort of gruesome subject you could think of.
Obviously, Rotten.com is for mature audiences only but when people tell you there's some really nasty stuff out there on the internet, this is probably what they're talking about..."
If there is any alien life in the universe, I hope it does not see human beings doing things like this hoax for a joke.
4. Relevant online forum discussions
This image is discussed on the AboveTopSecret.com internet forums in several threads, including at:
5. Further references and resources
6. Other Material