Koi Alien Photo 78 has appeared on various websites with captions suggesting it shows an alien captured following a UFO crash in Missouri in 1941. It commonly appears in association with claims by Charlotte Mann that her grandfather, Reverend William Huffman, was summoned to pray over alien crash victims outside of Cape Girardeau, Missouri in the spring of 1941. He was allegedly shown three victims, not human as expected, but small alien bodies with large eyes, hardly a mouth or ears, and hairless.In fact, Koi Alien Photo 78 is a still from a reenactment of the alleged Cape Giradeau UFO crash done for the documentary "The Secret", aired on the Sci-Fi Channel. It's executive directors were Ryan Wood and Robert Wood.
The "alien" is a prop produced by Don Post (apparently dubbed by many as "The Godfather of Halloween" most famous for creating rubber masks for commercial sale and use in movies - including the Star Wars and Halloween film series).
Sections below:
2. Stories and claims relating to this image
3. The real background to this image
4. Relevant online forum discussions
5. Further references and resources
1. The relevant image
2. Stories and claims relating to this image
Koi Alien Photo 78 has appeared on various websites with captions suggesting it shows an alien captured following a UFO crash in Missouri in 1941. It commonly appears in association with claims by Charlotte Mann that her grandfather, Reverend William Huffman, was summoned to pray over alien crash victims outside of Cape Girardeau, Missouri in the spring of 1941. He was allegedly shown three victims, not human as expected, but small alien bodies with large eyes, hardly a mouth or ears, and hairless.
3. The real background to this image
Koi Alien Photo 78 is a still from a reenactment of the alleged Cape Giradeau UFO crash done for the documentary "The Secret", aired on the Sci-Fi Channel. It's executive directors were Ryan Wood and Robert Wood.
The relevant clip can be seen on a website selling this documentary. A relevant clip can also be seen on Youtube, entitled "UFO Crash and Retrieval - Missouri, 1941"
Some stills from the relevant part of the documentary "The Secret" are included below (labelled "Koi_ap_78_b","Koi_ap_78_c" and "Koi_ap_78_d").
The "alien" is a prop produced by Don Post (apparently dubbed by many as "The Godfather of Halloween" most famous for creating rubber masks for commercial sale and use in movies - including the Star Wars and Halloween film series).
During the course of researching another photograph of an "alien" (Koi Alien Photo 10), I contacted the owner of "Dapper Cadaver" (a "specialty store for the finest death related props, Halloween props, haunted house decor, and oddities") since their website included the image below (labelled "koi_ap_10_i") of an item for sale. That item has the caption "Alien Body : Autopsy your own alien with this lifesize (we think) classic grey alien. Spaceship not included". I contacted "Dapper Cadaver" and its owner generously commented upon Koi Alien Photo 10 (and several others on this website) to confirm that it showed a prop developed by Don Post (apparently dubbed by many as "The Godfather of Halloween" most famous for creating rubber masks for commercial sale and use in movies - including the Star Wars and Halloween film series). Mr Winslow confirmed that "The prop in [Koi Alien Photo 10] is definitely the Don Post prop, they even used to sell it in the tube. It amazes me that something so obvious could be mistaken for real. It's clearly the same prop and there are so many photos of tourists at the same set" (email dated 4 January 2011 to Isaac Koi from BJ Winslow).
Mr Winslow went on to say that that the photo on this page (i.e. Koi Alien Photo 78) shows the same prop developed by Don Post. Mr Winslow stated "The prop is a flat back, which shows up in the weird position of the arms."
4. Relevant online forum discussions
This photograph and/or the purportedly related UFO crash in 1941 have been discussed in numerous threads on the AboveTopSecret.com discussion forum, including the following:
5. Further references and resources
6. Other Material